It’s Possible To Reverse Your Diabetes.

  • It’s Possible To Reverse Your Diabetes.

    It’s Possible To Reverse Your Diabetes.

    It’s Possible To Reverse Your Diabetes.

Currently, 26 million Americans have diabetes and 79 million have prediabetes. Both of these conditions significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other complications. The prevailing medical paradigm teaches that diabetes is a chronic, incurable disease, and diabetics surrender to the idea that they will struggle with the disease for the rest of their lives. In our fast-paced, money-driven healthcare system, providers often don’t have adequate time to educate patients about how to be healthy. All too often, patients are treated for the symptoms of disease, while the underlying causes of disease are not addressed.

Dr. Wes Youngberg, DrPH, has been working with diabetics for the past twenty-five years. He has found that, by addressing the cause of illness rather than just treating the symptoms, type 2 diabetics can experience dramatic health improvements, avoid complications, and possibly even reverse the condition.

Drawing from Dr. Youngberg’s extensive experience, Life & Health Network produced Diabetes Undone, a researchtested intervention in reversing type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle diseases. The Diabetes Undone curriculum includes a cookbook, workbook, and informational videos and can be taken in a group setting or on an individual level from home. Participants will learn how to form new habits and make better choices based on increased knowledge, skills, and encouragement. The program is designed to empower participants to optimize their nutrition, exercise, and other powerful lifestyle strategies, all of which enable them to reclaim their health. The same strategies that are taught to fight diabetes also combat heart disease, obesity, cancer, autoimmune disease, and many other lifestyle-related health conditions.

Really, it’s quite simple, the things I had to do. It wasn’t hardship at all. Six months later, I was declared non-diabetic. I reversed it. And since then, I had extensive tests done two months ago, and I’m still not diabetic or prediabetic. And that itself is the reward. —Tom Zapara, 91-year old Diabetes Undone participant

About Life and Health

Life and Health Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating compelling, evidencebased life and health media. We believe we were designed to have the physical, emotional, and spiritual domains of our life in balance. Our goal is to inspire and engage the global community to achieve that balance by living healthier and more abundant lives. For further details, please contact: diabetesUNDONE.