September 3, 2024

The Walters City Council met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on September 3, 2024, at Walters City Hall. Present were Mayor Jonathan Morgan, Vice-Mayor Sherri Flanagan, Councilmen Aaron Russell, Jim Keesee, Byrum W. Eidson, City Clerk Sheri Davis, and City Manager Matt LaFee. Attorney Jack Mackey was absent.

Aaron Russell opened the meeting with prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Visitors present included Code Enforcement Officer Candy Simms, Accounts Payable Clerk Karla Eschiti, Gerald Hayes, Lucas Erwin, Laura Erwin, Traci Pennington, Brett and Nannette High, new Code Enforcement Officer Amanda Harris, and MaryAnn Holman.

Item #3—Wes Eidson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Aaron Russell. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

• (a) Approval of August 6, 2024, regular City Council meeting.

• (b) Approval of purchase orders and signing of checks for all City funds presented at the 9-3-2024 council meeting and ratification of routine checks subsequent to the 8-6-2024 regular council meeting.

Item #4—Tracy Pennington represented the First Baptist Church to discuss the Pumpkin Patch held annually the Saturday before Halloween. They requested permission to hold it on Broadway (main street), taking up 2 blocks from 4-6 p.m. The Fire, Police departments, and Ambulance usually participate. Karla suggested making the motion so the church wouldn’t need to return every year for approval. Wes Eidson made a motion to approve the pumpkin patch for the Saturday before Halloween on Broadway, allowing the church to skip yearly requests. Jim Keesee seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #5—Lucas Erwin asked the Council to forgive the lien on the property he purchased at the Cotton County Tax Sale (215 W Ohio). He plans to rehab the home. Code Enforcement Clerk Candy Simms noted it would cost the city $54.00 to release the liens. Jim Keesee made a motion to forgive the liens, with Lucas to pay the $54.00 for release at the courthouse. Sherri Flanagan seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #6—Wes Eidson made a motion to approve the Execution of the Warranty Deed for the sale of the DOC Building (935 W Missouri) to Brett and Nannette High. Jim Keesee seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #7—The Car Cruz is scheduled for October 5, 2024. The Chamber of Commerce requested the city’s help as in previous years. Jim Keesee made a motion to approve the City of Walters to assist the Chamber in setting up for the Car Cruz. Aaron Russell seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Flanagan, Russell, Eidson, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #8—Aaron Russell made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 19, 2024, Remediation Board meeting. Jim Keesee seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #9—Wes Eidson made a motion to approve the reappointment of three commissioners for the Walters Housing Authority Board, with terms expiring in 2027: Kathleen Flanagan, Brantley Tillary, and Edith Kitchen. Jim Keesee seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Keesee

Nays: None

Flanagan abstained.

Item #10—Jim Keesee made a motion to approve the Walters Cemetery Association annual meeting minutes. Sherri Flanagan seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #11—Aaron Russell made a motion to allow the Walters Cemetery Association to use a third-party company for accepting donations, with a link attached to obituaries. Sherri Flanagan seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #12—Wes Eidson made a motion to use Walters Bank and Trust for financing new playground equipment with a 36-month term at a 7.65% interest rate. Sherri Flanagan seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #13—Jim Keesee made a motion to approve Resolution 893, authorizing the mayor to sign loan paperwork with Walters Bank and Trust for financing the playground equipment. Wes Eidson seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #14—Wes Eidson made a motion to start seeking bids for a splash pad at the youth park, aiming for installation by the summer of 2025. Aaron Russell seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan

Nays: Keesee

Item #15—Wes Eidson made a motion to approve Ordinance 587, prohibiting unlawful intrusion on land within Walters and prohibiting living in tents. Aaron Russell seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #16—Wes Eidson made a motion to approve the Walters Public Library meeting minutes. Jim Keesee seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Item #17—Jim Keesee made a motion to approve the City of Walters applying for the 2025 REAP Grant and authorize the mayor’s signature on attachments A, B, and C, including the cash match, in-kind leverage, and 5-year plan. Wes Eidson seconded the motion. The vote was:

Ayes: Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee

Nays: None

Public Comments: Gerald Hayes praised the city for patching potholes but suggested using oil with rock for longevity and requested grading of certain alleys. Karla mentioned limited rock availability from the plant. The playground’s condition was noted positively, and a tree blocking the alley in the 200 block of East Indiana was reported.

All Council members received a check register and cash report reflecting the remaining funds after signed checks. City Manager Matt LaFee mentioned two OMAG grants applied for public safety and sewer needs and introduced the new code enforcement clerk. Life Hope provided Amazon products to local students, and the street department continues pothole patching.

Under New Business, Matt stated he is attending a no-cost open meeting/records conference in Lawton September 23rd if any of the Council would like to attend. Matt informed the council that we have the mapping done for our water and sewer lines. The water audit that OWRA (Oklahoma Rural Water Association) is doing for us is almost complete, and cleaning the ditches along Seventh Street on the west side of town will be a 5-step process.

Purchase orders were approved, and the following checks signed.


NO          NAME                              AMOUNT

295578  ALLEN RICHARD                 126.55

295579  FARRIS WILLIAM D.           148.36

295580  GODWIN SHANE P              219.67

295581  MARTINEZ BRENDA              325.00

295582  MCELHANY JAMES              13.99

295583  ROBINSON JOHN                 297.28

295584  SPENCE ASHTON                 138.44

295559  BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD  7,110.93



295562  MORGAN WHITE GROUP        4,909.85

295563  OSBI                                      164.86

295564  BLUE GLOBES, INC.                  –


295566  DOLESE BROS CO                     284.40

295567  H.G. JENKINS CONST            527.87

295568  MOORE NOR TECH                   50.00

295569  SAM’S CLUB/GECF                422.72

295570  USA BLUEBOOK                      2,705.44

295571  AT&T LONG DISTANCE            336.16

295572  COTTON ELECTRIC COOP        96.01

295573  OKLA DEPT PUBLIC SAFE       30.00

295574  OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS        210.36

295575  QUILL CORPORATION                 55.97

295576  WALTERS CAR WASH                  70.25

295577  WALTERS/COTCO ENH              82.16

295585  LAW FIRM OF JAMIE PHIPPS  500.00

295586  MACKEY LAW FIRM, PLLC      500.00

295587  AT&T                                      546.34

295588  BAKER & TAYLOR BKS #5        1,095.08

295589  C L BOYD                             5,105.27

295590  CREDIT CARD OPS                   651.20

295591  EXPRESS FINA & TIRE, I       1,064.00

295592  HILBERT ANI HOSPITAL          170.00

295593  KASEY’S TIRE & AUTO           90.00

295594  NEXTLINK INTER                    26.51

295595  OKLA STATE UNIVERSITY        20.00

295596  POWERS HEAT & AIR            1,435.00

295597  QUALITY IMPLEMENT               68.00

295598  T H ROGERS LUMBER CO      65.69

295599  T-MOBILE BB                        148.75

295600  WALTERS COOP ELE                3,796.52

295601  WICHITA FALLS FREIGHT       1,859.44

295602  A OK OFFICE SYSTEMS, NC.  2,606.00


NO          NAME                                   AMOUNT

281847  AT&T LONG DISTANCE                2.09

281848  WALTERS BANK AND TRUST CO    437.50


281850  AT&T                                          65.79

281851  WALTERS COOP ELEVATOR         366.27

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to go into the regular session of the WPWA meeting.

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