Looking Back

By Linda Norman Garrison

The Walters Herald
The Oct. 12, 1939

Marriage licenses were issued to: Benie Harris, 22, and Miss Mildred Chapman, 19, both of Walters; R. B. William, Jr., 24, and Mrs. Minnie Dell Riddles, 25, both of Walters; and Clarence H. Reynolds, 27, and Miss Joan Johnson, 21, both of Temple. Thirty-six marble boards and slot machines were smashed, then burned on the courthouse lawn last Monday night by Sheriff George Beach, County Attorney C. C. Campbell, and their assistants, under court order of Judge Toby Morris. Flames consumed between $4,000 and $5,000 worth of fancy wood cabinets and technical apparatus—most of it paid for by Ben Hutchins, who now lives in Lawton.

The Walters Herald
Oct. 8, 1964

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Hertzler, of North Kingstown, R.I., have chosen the name Margaret Randel for their daughter born October 6. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hertzler, of Walters. Kiwanis club members elected officers for the new year. They are: Don Garrett, president; K. K. Dowlen, vice president; Curley King, secretary; and Gale Sly, treasurer.

The Walters Herald
Oct. 4, 1984

Temple firemen responded to an early morning fire alarm Thursday to find the Warehouse Foods Discount store well in the process of burning. Store manager Glen Good said Monday that the origin of the fire definitely pointed to a short in one of the compressors. Owner of the store, Bill Thompson, of Marlow, operates stores in Marlow, Elgin, Anadarko, and Chickasha. Bob Summerlin, of Temple, is retiring after 42 years of selling cars and pickups from North Carolina to Walters and Temple. His employment at retirement was Lacefield’s Motor Co. in Temple. Susan Lynn Hall and Craig Durell McCasland were married Friday, September 28, in the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Hall, in Temple, Texas. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wayne McCasland, of Devol. A marriage license was issued to William Elton Cook, 54, of Moore, and Anita May Hardy, 51, of Walters.

The Temple Tribune
Jan. 19, 1961

Miss Johnette Helms was installed worthy advisor of the Temple assembly of the Order of Rainbow for Girls in a ceremony Sunday, January 8. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Helms, of Temple, she is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Lagrone, of Devol. Ernest L. Johnson, of Temple, will receive his commission as a second lieutenant in the army at the commissioning exercises at Norman, Sunday, January 29. Johnson also has been initiated into Sigma Tau, honorary engineering fraternity at the University of Oklahoma. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johnson, Route 2, Temple. Miss Frances Person, of Hastings, has been nominated by De Gamma Ve social society as one of 10 candidates for 1960-61 “Miss OCW” at the Oklahoma College for Women at Chickasha.

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” — Princess Diana

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