Walters Chamber Of Commerce June 10th, 2024 Minutes


The Walters Chamber of Commerce board met on June 10th, 2024, at 5:15 p.m., at the Walters Chamber Meeting Room, in Walters, Oklahoma. The meeting was officiated by Wes Eidson.

Item # 1--- Board Members present were: Joi Bellamy, Benne Brewer, Wes Eidson, William McKay, Donna Ouellette, Marla Stapp, and Donna Zwieacker. Board Members Carrie Belcher, Josh Belcher, Jim Keesee, Myiul Morris, Mark Scherler, Angela Schertle, Zach Young, and Wendy Zimmerman were unable to attend.

Item # 2— Additional Chamber Members and/ or Visitors present were: Matt LaFee (CITY of WALTERS Manager), and Stephanie Smallwood (THE NAKED MERMAID SOAPERY) 

Item # 3— Donna Ouellette made a motion to approve the May, 2024 Regular Meeting minutes. Donna Zwieacker seconded the motion. The vote was: Ayes: All Nays: None

Item # 4— After discussion, Donna Zwieacker made a motion to approve the Financial Reports. Donna Ouellette seconded the motion. The vote was: Ayes: All Nays: None

Item # 5— Car Cruz Chairperson Wes Eidson updated the Board regarding the upcoming Car Cruz. Everything is progressing nicely. The next Car Cruz meeting is scheduled for June 20th, at 5:30 p.m.

Item # 6— Joi Bellamy addressed the Board regarding the progress of the 4th of July Prince or Princess Contest. So far, BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH, CITY OF WALTERS, CT PATMAN'S PIZZA, DUSTY CACTUS CREATIVES, RUSSELL DOAKE FIREWORKS, KZ'S DRIVE THRU, MAC'S QUICK MART, SCOTT INCOME TAX SERVICE, SONIC, and THE WALTERS HERALD, have donated items for the Prize Basket for the 2024 Walters 4th of July Prince or Princess!!!

Item # 7— Advertising/Economic Development— no new developments presented

Item # 8-- New Business: Walters City Manager, Matt LaFee, addressed the Board with even more ideas to enhance our wonderful community, and offered to work with the Chamber to shine a positive spotlight on our city and its businesses.

Item # 9— Wes Eidson made a motion to adjourn. Donna Zweiacker seconded the motion. The vote was: Ayes: All Nays: None The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Walters Chamber of Commerce will be Monday, July 8th, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chamber Room of the Walters Public Library. Make plans to attend, if you can!


 Monday, July 8th, 2024 at 5:15 p.m. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS

Carrie Belcher, Josh Belcher, Joi Bellamy, Benne Brewer, Wes Eidson, Jim Keesee, William McKay, Myiul Morris, Donna Ouellette, Angela Schertle or Mark Scherler, Marla Stapp, Zach Young, Wendy Zimmerman, Donna Zweiacker The Walters Chamber of Commerce will meet in the Chamber Meeting Room at the WALTERS PUBLIC LIBRARY (please enter through the back door) Monday, July 8th at 5:15 p.m. to consider the items listed below.

Item # 1— Roll call of Board Members. 

Item # 2— Other Chamber Members/Visitors Present:

Item # 3— Discuss and consider approval of June 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes (Motion_________, Second_________)

Item # 4-- Treasurer Marla Stapp will answer any questions regarding Financials. (Motion_________, Second_________) 

Item #5— MaryAnn Hiolman will address the Board regarding a garden space by the Rodeo Grounds.

Item #6-- The Board will discuss and consider approval of $200.00 in Prize money, for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & Grand Prize ($50 each) for the Annual Ice Cream Freeze Off, scheduled for Saturday, August 31st. (Motion_________, Second_________)

 Item # 7- The Board will discuss and consider Sign Sponsorship for the upcoming Free Fair, scheduled for August 27th through August 31st. (Motion_________, Second_________) 

Item #8-- Wes Eidson will address the Board regarding the upcoming Car Cruz, scheduled for Sat., Oct. 5th, including what the Car Cruz Committee has determined so far.

Item # 9— Joi Bellamy will address the Board regarding the results of the 4th of July Prnce or Princess contest.

Item # 10— The Board will discuss The Chamber’s Social Media, as presented in the letter forwarded to everyone on Friday. June 28th.

Item # 11-- Joi Bellamy will address the Board Item.

 # 12— Advertising/Economic Development Updates

Item #13— New Business

 Item #14— Adjourn (Motion, Second)