Canning Season Has Officially Arrived (Woo!) And OSU Extension Is Here To Ensure Your Equipment Is Safe To Operate.

  • Canning Season Has Officially Arrived (Woo!) And OSU Extension Is Here To Ensure Your Equipment Is Safe To Operate.

    Canning Season Has Officially Arrived (Woo!) And OSU Extension Is Here To Ensure Your Equipment Is Safe To Operate.

    Canning Season Has Officially Arrived (Woo!) And OSU Extension Is Here To Ensure Your Equipment Is Safe To Operate.
  • Canning Season Has Officially Arrived (Woo!) And OSU Extension Is Here To Ensure Your Equipment Is Safe To Operate.

    Canning Season Has Officially Arrived (Woo!) And OSU Extension Is Here To Ensure Your Equipment Is Safe To Operate.

    Canning Season Has Officially Arrived (Woo!) And OSU Extension Is Here To Ensure Your Equipment Is Safe To Operate.

When was the last time your pressure canner's dial gauge had a check-up? If your answer is 'ummm...', it might be time!

While it's not necessary to test the gauge before each use, testing is recommended: - Before every canning season (yes, every!) - If it went for a swim or took a tumble - If it's got that rusty, 'I belong in a museum' look - If the pointer ain't pointing to '0' - If, for any reason, you don't believe that the gauge is accurate.

Most OSU Extension offices can test dial gauges for National, Magic Seal, Maid of Honor and Presto branded pressure canners.

All you have to do is bring the lid of your canner to the office – we'll handle the rest!

Contact your county's Extension office today for a worry-free canning season.