Looking Back

  • Looking Back
    Looking Back

The Walters Herald June 29, 1939

Marriage licenses were issued to: Clifton Pennington, 21, Walters, and Mary Louise Dudley, 18, Temple...Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simmons, Walters route 1, are the parents of a baby girl, Patricia Ann, born June 25...A girl was born June 28 to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Swinford, of Walters...Miss Adell Snead and Glen Luke were married Sunday afternoon in the home of J. E. Luke. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Blanche Snead, of this city...The groom is the son of J. E. Luke and Mrs. Lula Luke...Miss Theola Pennington and Horace Nichols were married Saturday in the First Baptist church parsonage in Walters. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

W. W. Pennington, of the Plainview community. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Nichols, of the Soldier Creek community...E. Oliver, jeweler, has moved to business to 316 E Avenue in Lawton...Fifty cold storage lockers have been installed at the Cotton County Poultry and Egg Co. and are ready for use by the public. Each locker hold 300 pounds of food.

The Walters Herald June 25, 1964

Wedding vows were solemnized in Wichita Falls, Friday, May 16, when Mary Elizabeth Ezell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Skinner, of Waurika, became the bride of Jerry Lee Nance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nance, of Walters... At 7:30 Wednesday morning on SH 5,16.2 miles west of Walters, Kenny White, 18, of this city, was driving a car pulling a house trailer. He was headed west, going on wheat harvest. The house trailer had too much load on its rear end, and when it went over a dip, started weaving. The house trailer turned on its left side, but in the action, the car stayed on its wheels. He stopped headed south, with the car on the south shoulder, and the trailer across the road. No one was injured. Extensive damage was inflicted on the trailer and its contents.

The Walters Herald June 21, 1984

Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Crow are the parents of a baby girl, Brandi Lynn, born June 15 in Wichita Falls. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Crow and Mrs. Phil Conway, of Randlett and Lanny Williams, of Wichita Falls...St. Margaret’s Episcopal church in Lawton was the scene when Cara Deneen Red Elk and Donald Lee Armes exchanged wedding vows Saturday, June 16th. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dupre, of Oklahoma City, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bennett, of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Armes, of Vernon, Texas...Members of the Temple Presbyterian church hosted an open house Sunday honoring Dr. and Mrs. Campbell Long for 32 years as a minister family for the Temple, Grandfield and Waurika Presbyterian churches. Dr. Long has preached each Sunday at all three churches. They plan to live in Temple and do some traveling in their new travel trailer in their retirement.

The Temple Tribune Oct. 6, 1960

Leo Mitchell won the all-around boy award at Iowa Park fair last Saturday. He was elected on a basis of his winnings in the swine show, his cooperative attitude and willingness to help other exhibitors and the superintendents. Earl Cagle was runner-up for the award for the second time... Mrs.

Zella Engle and Byron Engle, both of Oklahoma City, announce the engagement of their daughter, Janis Jean, to Charles Lawrence Vache, also of Oklahoma City. Mr. Vache is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Vache, Temple. The wedding will be an event of November 24.