Walters City Council Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2024
The Walters City Council met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on August 6, 2024, at the Walters City Hall. Attendees included Mayor Jonathan Morgan, Vice-Mayor Sherri Flanagan, Councilmen Aaron Russell, Jim Keesee, Byrum W. Eidson, City Clerk Sheri Davis, City Manager Matt LaFee, and Attorney Jack Mackey.
- Aaron Russell opened the meeting with prayer.
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Visitors Present:
- Officer Riley Wagner, Tyler Smith, Lynne-Adene Thompson, Code Enforcement Clerk Candy Simms, Debbie Horridge, Karen Price, Patricia Watkins, Accounts Payable Clerk Karla Eschiti, Brett and Nannette High, Judge Mike Flanagan.
Item #3: Approval of the Consent Agenda
- Motion to approve by Wes Eidson, seconded by Aaron Russell.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
- Approval of July 2, 2024, regular City Council meeting minutes.
- Approval of purchase orders and signing of checks for all City funds presented at the 8-6-2024 council meeting and ratification of routine checks subsequent to the 7-2-2024 regular council meeting.
Item #4: Sale of the Department of Corrections Building
- Brett High’s bid of $80,165.00 accepted.
- Motion to accept by Jim Keesee, seconded by Sherri Flanagan.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #5: Approval of Remediation Board and Public Nuisance Administrative Hearing Minutes
- Motion to approve by Wes Eidson, seconded by Jim Keesee.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #6: Fire Department 80/20 Forestry Grant Application
- Motion to approve by Aaron Russell, seconded by Wes Eidson.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #7: Surplus of Police Department Vehicles
- Approval for surplus of 2017 Ford Taurus, 2014 Dodge Charger, and 2013 Ford Taurus.
- Motion by Jim Keesee, seconded by Aaron Russell.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Flanagan, Russell, Eidson, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #8: Process to Close Platted Street, Taylor
- Motion by Jim Keesee, seconded by Wes Eidson.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Eidson, Russell, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #9: New Playground Equipment Purchase
- Approval for City Manager to sign letter of intent with American Parks Company for $52,803.00.
- Motion by Wes Eidson, seconded by Jim Keesee.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #10: Write-Off of Old Meter Deposit Funds
- Write-off $70.15 of old meter deposit funds.
- Motion by Aaron Russell, seconded by Jim Keesee.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #11: Attendance at OML Conference
- Approval for any Council member to attend.
- Motion by Wes Eidson, seconded by Aaron Russell.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #12: Nomination for OMAG Board
- Nomination of Robert Johnston.
- Motion by Sherri Flanagan, seconded by Wes Eidson.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #13: Surplus of 2- and 4-Yard Dumpsters
- Approval for City Manager to sell in bulk.
- Motion by Jim Keesee, seconded by Aaron Russell.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Item #14: Ordinance 586 – Electric Rate Increase
- Approval of Ordinance 586 to increase electric rates, effective September 16, 2024.
- Motion by Sherri Flanagan, seconded by Aaron Russell.
- Vote: Ayes – Morgan, Russell, Eidson, Flanagan, Keesee; Nays – None
Public Comments:
- Deborah Horridge noted the Senior Citizens Center as a cooling center, open from 8-6, with contact available via their Facebook page.
City Manager’s Report:
- Success of the rodeo and powwow.
- Roadwork on 2600 and 2610 roads, Cemetery entrance improvements, pothole filling.
- Awaiting REAP funds for west side roads.
- DEQ addressed sewer dumping issue.
- Life Hope donating Amazon items to schools.
- OWRA water audit and 3D mapping planned.
- Exploration of a splash pad and drainage problem solutions with the Highway Department.
- Purchase orders approved and checks signed.